District heating, a sustainable solution One technology with proven potential for decarbonizing energy is district heating.
It also helps to drive sustainability for both the utility and the community it serves.
This empowers water utilities to make smart, sustainable and fast decisions in order to optimize costs and resources, and reduce Non-Revenue Water.
Energy Efficiency Directive (EED)
In this way, you can further enhance your overall energy efficiency, contributing to a more sustainable future.
Water at the very heart of our mission
Diehl Metering provides a reliable and sustainable solution with regard to water management: smart metering 2019-02-25 Diehl Metering The observation is indisputable: more than 3 billion people around
Water at the very heart of our mission
Diehl Metering provides a reliable and sustainable solution with regard to water management: smart metering 2019-02-25 Diehl Metering The observation is indisputable: more than 3 billion people around
Diehl Aviation exhibits at Boeing's ecoDemonstrator in Glasgow
The event's motto is Sustainability and Innovation for the Future.
Water at the very heart of our mission
Diehl Metering provides a reliable and sustainable solution with regard to water management: smart metering 2019-02-25 Diehl Metering The observation is indisputable: more than 3 billion people around
Flying climate neutral
For the first time, there is now a common long-term vision at European level that translates sustainability goals into tangible figures.
Diehl Aviation exhibits at Boeing's ecoDemonstrator in Glasgow
The event's motto is Sustainability and Innovation for the Future.
741 results found