500 million Optical lenses produced per year
Production on this level requires huge quantities of high-quality water.
50% Less water
In the space of a year, Diehl Metering’s solution helped to halve the amount of water used per optical lens produced.
20 Production plants on 3 continents
Diehl Metering solutions were installed in all of ESSILOR’s production sites worldwide in 2017.
The challenge:
Implementing a complex water management concept in a large-scale production environment
The ESSILOR Group is the global leader in the field of ophthalmic optics. The company requires substantial volumes of high-quality water for each of the many stages in the process of producing 500 million premium-quality optical lenses.
ESSILOR has spent many years working non-stop on a large-scale environmental management concept, implementing an innovative water management project that encompasses the five most important stages of this process: metering, reduction, reusing, recycling and treatment. For ESSILOR is to achieve its ambitious aims, it needed a reliable system that can be used to save water in all its locations throughout the world.
The first stage of a pilot project carried out at the company’s French factory involved mapping out the consumption levels for each kind of use (pre-treatment, process water, service water, etc.).
The solution:
Configure a smart and adaptable system for a global use
Diehl Metering used these insights to provide a complete water metering solution based on a fixed network. The frequencies are assigned according to a flexible system (for instance, 868 Mhz in Europe and 434 MHz in Latin American countries).
The solution combines various forms of metering technology: volumetric meters, single-jet meters and ultrasonic meters. Other liquids and process water are analysed via an IZAR RE Air temperature sensor. The electricity meter module also makes use of IZAR BE Pulse radio technology.
Diehl Metering's technical teams supported ESSILOR when it came to developing a standard basic configuration and installing the system at the first site.
The benefit:
Reduction of water consumption levels for each stage of the production process
Diehl Metering’s solutions provide key indicators for every type of consumption. By analysing this data, we can make significant improvements to our production processes.
Philipp Cuny, Essilor
When monitoring the use of water, any differences compared to the normal water consumption value per lens produced are displayed in the system. This high-performance solution provides precise measurements and detailed analyses – with individual consumption measurements for each process. The IZAR@NET data management software installed on-site sends hourly updates for this purpose.
By using this system, in the space of a year the test site managed to reduce its water consumption by 50% per lens produced. Thanks to the technical support provided by Diehl Metering, ESSILOR's staff will be able to complete future installation projects autonomously all over the world.