ALTAIR V4 represents the new generation of volumetric meters developed within the framework of the MID (Measuring Instruments Directive), OIML R49, EN 14154, ISO 4064 and field requirements. ALTAIR V4 is a particularly compact and robust meter, adapting to the most restrictive environments and compatible with varying water qualities. ALTAIR V4 is modular and may be fitted at any time with an IZAR Radio, an IZAR DOSING device, or an IZAR PULSE emitter, gateway to other systems.
- High dynamic range
- Starting flowrate at 0.4 l/h
- Installation in any position
- Compact
- MID approved with R up to 800
- Composite & brass version
- Register with modularity "Ti" as standard
- Glass/metal register in option
- DN 15 & 20 mm