Level 1 completed
Case study: Berlin - Water Authority
Improve the performance of the management network and the service to consumers
Partners: Diehl Metering/Germany
Method: Drive-by
- Saves time and improves efficiency
- Controls costs
- 100% of meters read
- Optimised billing
“From the collection of indexes to the billing system, the Diehl Metering Drive-By solution has made our management process more efficient and reliable. In the future, we can establish a fixed network to monitor the entire network, at any time.”
Thomas Vollmar,
Metering Manager, Berlin Water Authority
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Level 2 completed
Case study: ESSILOR - International
Speed up its water management programme for all production sites worldwide
Partners: Diehl Metering/France
Method: Fixed network
- Information transmitted on an hourly basis
- Accurate measurement and detailed analysis of consumption
- Drop of 50% in water consumption for glass production in 1 year
“ESSILOR has now implemented a single model for all its different sites, which gives us an overview of the best practices adopted. The Diehl Metering solution is making a significant contribution to the performance of our water-saving programme.”
Philippe Cuny,
EHS Director, WW Operations, ESSILOR
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Level 3 completed
Case study: Jamaican National Water Commission (NWC)
- Ensuring water supply to 400,000 households
- Finding technology adapted to extreme weather and environmental conditions
- Avoiding water losses in the pipelines
Partners: Diehl Metering/Germany
Method: Walk-by, Drive-by and Fixed network
- Information transmitted on an hourly basis
- Leaks detections
- Non Revenue Water reducing
“The installation of Smart Metering infrastructure increases the efficiency of the reading process and reduces costs. Diehl Metering technology will help us to minimise invoice complaints and disputes due to the billing.”
Mark Barnett,
NWC President
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Level 4 completed
Case study: Dakar - Port Authority
- Manage the water system
- Reduce Non Revenue Water (NRW)
Partners: Diehl Metering/France and its local partner, 2nd Etablissement
Method:Fixed network
- 30% rise in billing
- 25% drop in NRW
“Diehl Metering is a dependable partner which manages water systems efficiently. It offers the advantage of maintaining a local presence through its local partner over the last 5 years.”
Same Mbodj,
Head of Dakar Port Authority’s Technical and Innovations Division
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Game completed
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